Rent Tracking Is Now Live!


Anabode version 1.3.0 is now live in the app stores and now includes a host of Rent Tracking features. 

So what’s new?​

  • Rent Tracking: Users can now see reports for rent due, make rent adjustments, and log rent payments.
  • Report Exporting: Rental payment reports can now be exported in .csv format, helping you keep on top of cashflow and accounting.
  • Total Rent Reports: Reports can be exported for either single rental units or an entire portfolio.
  • Admin & Reminders: “Reminders” is now called “Admin & Reminders”. This is where you will find our new Rent Tracking features.

 Coming soon

  • Expense Logging: Our Expenses module will follow soon, allowing you to log general and maintenance expenses. You will also be able to export reports for cashflow and accounting purposes.
  • Desktop Web Portal: Our web portal is due to be released shortly after our Expense Logging module. This will allow you to access Anabode on your desktop PC, laptop or tablet device. 

You can download Anabode here:



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